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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  January 25, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EST

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delays. first off, the federal government is open. but again, workers can take unscheduled leave or telework. >> in virginia, clark, culpeper, king george, paine, stafford and warren county schools are closed. so are st. mary county schools in maryland. orange county and fredericksburg city schools in virginia will open two hours late. the complete list is scrolling at the bottom of our screen, and also at our web site at >> we have one other school closing to pass along. west education campus is closed because of a power outage. all other d.c. schools are open. may i say also, you said a brush with old man winter, we met him one day. you don't want to see him that often. >> i heard he's a little grumpy. >> once was plenty, wasn't it? snow on the way. not going to be a big deal.
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it will be enough to cause issues for your afternoon commute. morning commute will be fine. cold out there. later this afternoon the snow moves in, probably 2:00, 3:00. 20 at reagan national. it's cold. most of the region in the teens. dulles and bwi marshall, 16 degrees to start your day. winter weather advisory for the areas in purple 2:00 to 9:00 tonight. primary concern is we'll have snow falling in the evening rush hour, and because of that, this winter weather advisory. looking at the radar, another clipper system moving in from the west. you can see that snow in ohio and indiana. it's a quick mover. not a lot of moisture. but everything that falls will fall as snow and will fall into a cold atmosphere. every flake will get a chance to stick somewhere. how much? probably close to an inch. parts of the area could get a
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little more than that. maybe 2 inches, maybe 3 inches in a few isolated spots. not a big storm, but enough to cause issues later this afternoon. there you go, highs in the mid- 20s. light snow developing by 2:00, 3:00 today, will be with us for the evening commute. and julie will have more on what might be happening on the roadways later. i'll have details on a warmup in a minute. let's do traffic with julie wright. >> on the roads this morning you're going to find light traffic volume. really not that busy at this time. southbound 270 coming in out of germantown, lanes are open. no problems continuing southbound leaving 118 headed to 370. traffic rolling at speed along the top stretch of the beltway. westbound around 495, lanes are open. university boulevard to colesville road, slight slowdown. 395 across the 14th street bridge, all lanes open. no issues reported continuing
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to the southeast southwest freeway. lighter than usual volume now continuing across the douglas bridge. inbound on 50 seeing a brief tapping of the brakes on 202 headed to cheverly. that's a check of traffic. >> you are so cute today. i love that sweater. just saying. crews are preparing for possible slick conditions this afternoon. lauren demarco is live in springfield, virginia with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. they are prepared and monitoring roadways. they are not pretreating the roads. they didn't do that because they're afraid of possible icing and freezing when they put that salt down. so the roads have not been pretreated. still salt in areas because of leftover treatments after yesterday's snow. so you want to be careful for slick spots.
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now it's beautiful outside. the sun coming up. that's the only thing we've got going on. no issues on the roads now. of course the concern is going to be the afternoon commute when the snow begins to fall and any time that happens during rush hours and we start to have issues. yesterday morning we had two accidents on i-95 in virginia. it's where we are live in springfield. the accident around 8 :30 occurred near triangle. that involved a virginia state trooper. he sustained nonlife- threatening injuries. there was an accident about 8:40 involving a vdot crew. no one seriously hurt there. but a reminder to be very careful. take your time, particularly on the bridges, ramps and overpasses. that's where you're going to see that freezing if it does occur. also, make sure you have a full tank of gas, phone is charged and the ice scraper to get the ice off your windshield before
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you head out. we were talking about property owners. within 24 hours of the storm clear your walkways. be mindful of those in your neighborhood. back to you. >> lauren, thank you so much. try to stay warm. you can track the weather where you live, share your photos with the fox 5 weather app. download it, search for at the app store. something else you want to be aware of today, the annual march for life rally is taking place. thousands of abortion opponents are expected to mark 40 years since roe vs. wade. the anniversary of the court ruling was on tuesday. today's rally will end with an event near the supreme court. it all begins with a rally at the verizon center at 7:30 this morning. that's followed by a mass at 10:00 a.m. there will be a rally at the comcast center in college park beginning at 7:00 a.m. a mass will follow that event at 9:00 a.m. be aware road closures are
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planned around the national is also today, vice president joe biden takes the president's gun control proposal on the road. he's scheduled to travel to richmond. >> he'll join tim kaine and other officials. in a web chat yesterday, the vice president said he's more concerned with limiting the number of rounds in a gun clip than with banning assault weapons. he said that might have slowed down the gunman at sandy hook elementary. >> if it took longer, maybe one more kid would be alive. >> meanwhile, senator dianne feinstein unveiled her bill yesterday surrounded by police chiefs, mayors and crime victims. it would ban the manufacture, sale, and transportation of 157 types of guns and also lower the threshold for other guns to be classified as assault
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weapons. the bill would ban high capacity magazines and beef up background checks. critics say the bill won't make it out of congress. to world news now, more threats from north korea. the communist regime says south korea participates in sanctions, it could face war. it calls the united states its sworn enemy. in the meantime, investigators with the ntsb found two problems with the dreamliner. they say the batteries show signs of short circuiting and found chemical overheating and a reaction called thermal runway. they are still testing the batteries at the ntsb lab in
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d.c. the dreamliner is the most technically advanced plane in the world, but they all remain grounded because of incidents that led to several emergency landings. checking today's other top stories, 17-year-old is recovering after he was brutally attacked near the rhode island avenue metro station. he says he was jumped and robbed by seven men. his arm and jaw were broken. police are still searching for the suspects. prince george's county, two teenagers face murder charges in connection with the shooting death of 16-year-old marcus jones. police announced the arrests yesterday. jones was shot and killed sunday morning on webster lane in fort washington. police say the shooting was gang related. don't mess with matt damon. still ahead, we're going to show you the actor hijacked a late night talk show after one joke too many at his expense. >> first, a sweeping change for the nation's schools. we'll tell you about the
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important announcement that makes sports a civil right for students. >> it's a good looking sky out there. it's a little cold. okay, it's down right bitterly cold this morning. and we're going to get more snow. we'll get the latest weather and traffic from tucker and julie next. still pretty. 7:08. we'll be right back. 
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pentagon chief panetta makes it official opening combat positions to women. they should have to meet the
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same standard as men. panetta says the qualifications for women will not be lowered and spoke of the increased opportunity for female warriors. >> as we all know, there are no guarantees of success. not everyone is going to be able to be a combat soldier. but everyone is entitled to a chance. >> some roles in the special forces like navy seals and the army's delta force may take longer to open up. defense officials say military chiefs have until may 15th to report on their implementation plans. u.s. schools are bracing for sweeping changes. education department says students with disabilities deserve a fair shot to play on traditional sports team. today officials will issue a directive telling schools must
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provide equal and alternative options. hello, there. >> how are you? >> good, how are you? snow is on the way, not perfect with the afternoon commute. >> similar to yesterday? >> i think sort of a repeat performance. an inch. few spots will do a little better than that. the real important thing here is temperatures are so cold and have been so cold that everything will stick quickly. not going to take a lot. even a dusting at this point and we'll have issues. 20 at reagan national. ten boston. 20 in chicago. very cold. arctic air mass continues to be locked in across mid-atlantic and new england. little sunshine to start your morning. not going to last. clouds will quickly move in, and with it the darker white you see out to the west, that's your bands of snow and that's our clipper system. will move in 2:00, 3:00 today, be with us through the evening commute and will wind down by 9:00, 10:00 tonight. quick mover. doesn't have a lot of moisture,
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like yesterday. but it will likely cause issues for that evening commute and could give us maybe an inch, maybe an inch plus in some places little later this afternoon of snow. there's your futurecast 4:00, snow really starting to move in. will be with us for the evening commute. there we are at 6:00 and watch what happens here. by 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 tonight, it's out of here. looking at brighter conditions for your saturday. saturday and sunday, sunny and we'll get above freezing for the first time in about five days. here's your accuweather seven- day forecast, 27 today. 34 tomorrow. and a big warmup into the 50s next tuesday and wednesday. i'm starting to see ice on the creeks and rivers and ponds. it's not thick enough. >> thank you. good advice. >> and i went and bought two coats for brownie and ladybird. they're not going to need them.
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>> they'll need them later. >> promise? >> and this afternoon. >> those are her dogs by the way. let's find out what's happening with traffic. for that we go to julie wright. >> julie, i finally got the girls coats. >> after all these years. [ laughter ] >> beetle bailey doesn't like a coat. he pulls at it. >> i have to try. it's so cold. >> i know, it's freezing. traveling on 95 traveling to and from 212 and the capital beltway, flowing freely. lighter than usual follow for friday. nobody complaining about that. we have to take what we can expect this afternoon, yesterday morning. plan your trip accordingly. friday afternoons are busy travel days. a lot of traffic. so you're late for dinner that sort of of thing, plan accordingly. have a full tank of gas, wiper fluid and maybe call the baby- sitter to be on the safe side.
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lanes are open 395 coming across the 14th street bridge with an easy drive so far this morning. no problems to report southbound 270. this is a slow stretch, and it's not that bad. approaching and passing 109 to the scales. 55out of germantown headed to the split. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. julie, thank you very much. 7:17. making headlines, smooth sailing for senator john kerry. the president's pick for next secretary of state picked up pledges of support from his fellow lawmakers yesterday during his first day of confirmation hearings. a full senate vote will likely take place tuesday. but first, monday, the senate is set to vote on a $50 billion relief bill to help survivors of superstorm sandy. the house passed it last week, and president obama has promised to sign it if it makes it to his desk. the senate has also voted
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to crack down on filibusters, somewhat. outnumbered lawmakers can still use the procedure to collect 60 votes to begin debate on a bill. but the bill passed yesterday limits the number of times it can be used. lawmakers hope the deal cuts down on congressional gridlock. about 7:18 now on this friday morning. coming up a little later, the super bowl is a family affair for jim and john harbaugh. so who are the coaches' parents rooting for? interesting dilemma to be in, right? historical dilemma. dave ross and wisdom martin debate that in off the wall. >> a twist in the manti te'o story. hear the tapes he played for katie couric in yesterday's interview. that's coming up next.      dinner's ready.
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[ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. i just finished a bowl of your light chicken pot pie soup and it was so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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what i went through is real. you know, the feelings, the pain, the sorrow. that was all real. for inspiration. >> manti te'o giving his first interview to katie couric and opening up about his supposed online girlfriend. a man pretended to be his girlfriend. now we're hearing voice mails he left for te' o last year. in them, the man posing as the fake girlfriend who was supposed to be dying of leukemia, tells him that he, or she, loves him. turns out the voice was really the man accused of duping manti te'o. he was impersonating a female voice. >> i'm calling to say good
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night. i love you. i know you're doing homework or probably with the boys. >> still, there's mystery surrounding all this. as for the man who says he's responsible for the hoax, he said he did it to help. his cell phone records seem to back up his claims that he had been carrying on with somebody. we now want to introduce you to quite possibly the luckiest squatter on the planet. 23-year-old man broke into a more than $2 million mansion back in july. here's the twist. look at this house. since no one saw him break in to the five bedroom, six bath house, did i mention it was in boca raton, police cannot arrest him. he is also threatening to take advantage of an odd real estate law which allows a person to claim a property as their own. they have to stay in the house for seven years, but then after that, they can claim it as their home. the home was foreclosed by bank of america, and so far the bank
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hasn't threatened to do anything either. a neighbor has put in an offer to the bank to buy that house back. no doubt they want to take advantage of that deal as well. isn't that amazing? pretty home. >> sure is. still ahead, almost time to reignite that we are helping yo with very special guests. >> plus, fire and ice. we're going to show you what happened when rescue crews responded in sub freezing temperatures. >> but first, bracing for round two. we're going to check in with tucker for a check on what to expect from the next snowfall. 7:24now. you're watching fox 5 morning news. here's james taylor. ♪ i've seen lonely times when i could not find a friend ♪ ♪ but i always thought that i'd see you again ♪ ♪
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won't you look down upon me, jesus ♪     [ harry umlaut ] here we go. [ sally umlaut ] what? the five stages of muller. ah yes... stage one: suspicion. "it's a yogurt, how good can it be?"
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stage two: revision. "actually, this ain't bad." stage three: surprise! "look at this cool cornery thing! i love this stuff!!" stage four: desolation. "it's gone!" stage five: anticipation "i guess i could always have another"... "have you been through the five stages of muller yet?" "yeah, just now." [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy. there's natural gas under my town. it's a game changer. ♪ it means cleaner, cheaper american-made energy. but we've got to be careful how we get it. design the wells to be safe. thousands of jobs. use the most advanced technology to protect our water. billions in the economy. at chevron, if we can't do it right, we won't do it at all. we've got to think long term. we've got to think long term. ♪
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fighting a fire is never easy, of course, but the job can turn even more dangerous when temperatures plunge. take a look at these pictures
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out of massachusetts. the hydrants froze. several firefighters also coated in ice by the end of it. check out these pictures from a warehouse fire fight in chicago. the flames broke out days ago, and kept burning beneath a coating of ice. extraordinary. look at that. >> dangerous cold. >> in it's own way it's beautiful. >> sure is. it also causes a mess on the roadways. julie wright is back with us to talk about what's going on out there now. good morning, julie. >> good morning allison and tony. waking up to dry pavement this morning. i know the commute later this afternoon will be difficult. now enjoy it while you can. we have an accident to report. powder mill road at the bw parkway. you are at speed, but powder mill, rescue units on the scene. we had the crash west of
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georgia avenue, but before connecticut avenue and traffic is backed up here on the beltway headed westbound 495. inner loop of the beltway, no problems leaving 270 continuing towards georgia avenue. southbound 270 still an easy drive out of hyattstown. slowest stretch along 270 i can find this morning, approaching and passing 109. no problems between annandale and maryfield. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. changes for the drive home this afternoon. we have snow on the way. not a lot, but doesn't take a lot to cause issues. snow moving in this afternoon. will get here probably 2:00, 3:00 this afternoon. and evening rush hour will be a challenge as snow will be falling into a cold atmosphere. it's 20 degrees now in washington. 17 quantico. most of the area waking up to
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teens. 14 leonardtown. just 15 in hagerstown. 14 culpeper. cold start to the day. highs like the last several days, upper 20s. that's the big player today. not expecting a plot in the way of snow. when it falls in a cold atmosphere, will stick later today. another clipper system, and one or two peaks of sunshine early, and won't last. cloudy by mid-morning. snow this afternoon. and there is the clipper system, like the one that moved through yesterday. should pass to our south during the late afternoon and evening hours. will be out of here by 9:00, 10:00. but, a period of light to moderate snow starting around 3:00 today, and we can see issues with that rush hour later this afternoon. how much snow? not a lot. maybe an inch, maybe 2 inches in spots. could be a few isolated spots. looks like the jackpot will be into northern maryland. but generally an inch to 2 inches. that will be about it, with
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less to the south. doesn't take a lot of snow in the washington area to cause issues. be ready. 27 this afternoon. cloudy and cold. snow gets out of here tonight. 22the overnight low. grand totals, inch for most of us. could be up to 3 inches well to the north. there's the accuweather seven- day forecast. warming up into the 50s by early next week. before i toss it back, i have a special guest. bring him in, bring him in! the one and only, i have screech! whoo-hoo! get ready for the season, aren't we, screech? yeah. here's the deal. i got a couple of questions for you. i know you're not a man of many words, what do you do in the offseason? do you stay in shape? oh, is that it? do you hibernate? got snow in the forecast.
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does that ruffle your feathers? oh, he doesn't like it at all. you have fan fest tomorrow, yeah? going to meet with some of the fans? big deal? take a lot of pictures? like this. and like this. yeah, like this? there we go. big season. gets started in april. world series? you feeling it? number one? all right. i love having you join me. you're going to join me for weather today in april and we're going to have a good time together. let's get back to tony and allison. we have another special guest all about the fan fest coming up this weekend. >> got to love it. screech is here to help build the hype ahead of this weekend's nats fest. >> it's your chance to get upclose and personal with the team, players and other fans. joining us live with more details, we turn to mark learner, one of the principal owners of the nats. >> good morning. thanks for being with us. >> my pleasure. >> i think this is the first
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time we've seen you since the end of last season. congratulations on what was a great season. >> it was awesome. >> very exciting. >> so surreal. >> yeah. >> i still pinch myself every day. still can't believe it. >> you've got to be thrilled we're getting closer to opening day. and tomorrow this great event for the fans to come out. >> nats fest at the washington convention center. we've outgrown the stadium. >> that's great. >> put on a great show for the fans. starts at 11:00 for season ticket holders, 12:00 for everybody else. things for the kids. q and a sessions. photos with the players. screech. >> i read the list of the players. these are the players that will be out there. >> only missing a couple. ryan zimmerman is on his honeymoon and stephen strasburg has a charity golf tournament he does in california. but everybody else is coming. they were glad to be here. >> how great. i know people want to know, so when you want to come down, how
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do we get tickets? just show up? need to go online now? >> you can go online now or tomorrow morning. >> you mentioned things for the kids, and i want to mention you have the junior nats kids forum featuring, i think this is great, players' story time, but kids' press conferences. >> how cute. >> the whole thing. >> that's great. >> a lot of stuff for the kids, obviously. they'll have a blast tomorrow. season ticket holders, we're doing a q and a tomorrow morning at 11:00. and it should be a great day. i've been really looking forward to doing this for a long time. and glad we've outgrown nats park and moved to a big venue. expecting big crowds tomorrow. >> of course, baseball, its storied past, america's sport, that kind of thing. i would imagine for some of the kids tomorrow it could be a
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life changing event. >> kids love to see players. tomorrow they can see them upclose. >> right. >> you don't get that very often. get it in spring training and nats fest. i think they'll have a blast tomorrow. the players, they can't wait to interact with the fans. should have a great time. >> i don't know what you can or can't say. i understand there are changes coming to the president's race. >> we're getting a fifth president, which will be announced tomorrow at nats fest. people there will be the first ones to hear it. >> is there a time frame you can tell us? >> more recent president, older -- >> i haven't even seen the outfit. all i can say is he was a former president. >> narrows it down to what, 42 or so? >> before we let you go, the
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city was just on such that great feeling. we could root for the nats. it was our team. really, in essence, the nation's team, the nationals. what did it mean inside out? we saw it from the outside in. what did it mean for the owners and players? >> it's obviously, people know that the condition we received this franchise in. and we tried to stick our guns to the plan that we wanted to build it the right way. something for long-term. and i think the fans got to see what the future holds, and it's very bright for this team. the sky is the limit. we're very excited. our family couldn't be more pleased and it's -- we can't wait for opening day at nats park. >> i have to ask you, too, sorry, tony, i know it was your turn, we saw bryce get the jackie robinson award in new york. superstition is heavy in
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sports, especially baseball. are you concerned this might have interrupted his mojo moving forward? >> kid has a special talent. >> would you prefer he have the mohawk back? >> anything that makes him happy. as long as he's hitting. he's an amazing young man. i think another couple of years of experience. people forget, 20 years old. >> baby, right? >> can imagine what his talent will be over the next few years. >> obviously we've been fortunate here in washington, because the caps have been constant contenders. but i have to say, you know, i got to go to some of the games last year. tucker went to some of the games. on behalf of the fans, and i know you all will hear this tomorrow, thank you so much. because to have, you know, when i grew up, the senators were here and they left. we had no baseball forever. and you guys put this team together. you've done it the right way.
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the excitement last year was palpable and it spread throughout the city, and throughout the nation, really. there was a lot of happiness about the success the nats had. thank you for bringing it back. we're thrilled for you and the family and the team. we hope this is a fantastic year for you. >> we're surely looking forward to it. i think we've got the talent to go a long way, and these guys, they can't wait to get started. >> excellent. >> february 12th i think, pitchers and catchers report. my bags are already packed. >> i bet they are. >> get out of this cold weather. >> tomorrow's nats fest at the d.c. convention center. for most of us, noon to 4:00. you can get tickets online or tomorrow morning. >> look forward to seeing you there. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> good to have you here. still ahead, matt damon's revenge and big news for star wars fans. we have it all in your talkers of the day, coming up next. it's 7:38 now. and we'll be right back.  
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it's your look at new and note worthy of the week ahead. it's the capital run down for
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the week of january 28, 2013. monday, national school choice week gets underway here in washington with a forum on the subject being held at noon at the cato institute. tuesday, january 29th, the senate subcommittee on health holds hearings. that starts at 10:00 a. 10:00 a.m. wednesday, january 30th, senate ittee continues its first full business meetings of the 113th congress. that begins at 10:00 a.m. of the capitol building. thursday, january 31st, the senate armed services committee opens hearings on the nomination of chuck hagel to be the next secretary of defense. that's at 9:30 a.m. in room 50 of the dirksen building. friday, february 1st, the tenth anniversary of the columbia
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disaster and honors other fallen astronauts with a day of remembrance. ceremonies begin at 10:00 a.m. at arlington national cemetery. you can find more at and reach us on twitter with hashtag capitalrundown. i'm tom fitzgerald, see you next week. thank you, tom. >> 20 degrees. >> it's cold. that's the other story this week, the persistent cold. we've not been above freezing since maybe monday? >> yeah. it's weird, because we're not used to it after a couple of years of relatively mild temperatures. >> i'm telling you, i walked the dogs yesterday when i got home. i felt like i had ear aches. the deep pain, if you don't have the right clothing on. >> got to wear ear muffs. people ridicule me, but my ears stay warm. >> they do ridicule you.
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>> they do. >> that's the focus? >> didn't ear muffs go out in 1968? >> hey, i don't have hurt stinging ears. >> i might take stinging ears. i'm kidding you. >> the ear muff hat combo. >> i'm beyond cool at this point. >> not true. >> remember the hat and you could see the eyes and mouth? >> those are scary. >> you could be arrested for wearing that now. >> 20 reagan national. 16 at dulles and bwi marshall. we have snow on the way. will be like yesterday. a weak clipper system. guaranteed to be snow and most of us will get at least a little something here. anywhere between a coating to an inch, maybe 2 plus inches in a few spots, particularly in
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northern maryland. that will be about it. yesterday most of us gotten an inch and southern maryland about 4 inches. possibly could get a band in here today where one or two areas get more than an inch. most of us will receive about an inch later this afternoon. timing won't be great. moving in about 3:00 and will wrap up 9:00 or 10:00 tonight. evening rush hour will be a challenge. snow moving in and upon us by 6:00, with local moderate snow. and out of here by 9:00, 10:00 tonight. and sunshine tomorrow. quick mover. maybe an inch plus in some spots and cold. bit of a warmup this week and sunshine, and big time warmup next week, 50s by tuesday and wednesday. so people like julie don't have to retreat to florida. >> will feel good after this. >> thank you. >> here is julie with an update on the rush hour traffic. you haven't packed your bags yet, have you? >> not yet. but i'm with you on the ear
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muffs. >> thank you. >> i have the 180 -- >> that's what i have. >> and i like those. >> i think it was the hat ear muff combo. that's what people said. >> no. i'm with tony. when i go outside, i put on the knit hat and ear muffs. >> knit hat? >> yeah. >> okay. >> i have a fedora. [ laughter ] >> northbound 95, lanes open headed to the capital beltway. tucker is talking about the weather moving in for the drive home this afternoon. bridges, ramps and overpasses freeze before anything else. doesn't matter the amount. slick conditions and elevated passes will definitely feel that later on today. plan your trip accordingly. now you're going to find lanes are open continuing around the top stretch of the beltway between georgia and connecticut avenue. it's where i had the crash in the left lane, southbound 270
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below speed passing 109. if you're traveling bw parkway, open out of laurel to the beltway. crash on powder mill road. follow police direction to get by. talkers of the day. ever watch the jimmy kimmel show? >> a little bit. >> he's really firing on all cylinders now. jimmy kimmel's feud, unquote, with matt damon took a dramatic turn on his talk show last night. take a look. it's pretty funny. >> welcome, because tonight's episode of jimmy kimmel sucks. i'm your host, matt damon. [ applause ] >> just for starters, let me ask you guys this, as an audience, is it weird to see a person with actual talent host this show? i'm very excited to be here,
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obviously. jimmy has bumped me from his show, 1,205 times. >> and that's the joke. matt damon opened the show as a kidnapper. he tied kimmel to a chair and took over. anyone who has never watched, kimmel ends the show every night apologizing to damon. look at that. ben aflack there. pretending to run out of time for damon. kimmel's ex-girlfriend, sarah silverman came out as well. that's great. there's robin williams. >> he looks good, robin williams. >> he does. that's good stuff. >> jimmy kimmel show. on "american idol" now, 35 more singers are headed to
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hollywood, including reigning miss baton rouge who rescheduled surgery. she made it. they head to san antonio and oklahoma city next week. star wars fans, the force is with j.j. abrams. pretty good choice, at least according to the hollywood buzz bin, rumor has it he is to take over star wars. there's still no official word from disney, which bought the rights to the series from lucas films last year. but i think, if it's him, that's going to be a popular choice. all the, you know, sci-fi geeks in that world, they love j.j. abrams. >> good match. look washington stays winless and who will the harbaugh parents root for on super bowl sunday? we'll be right back with that and more.
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hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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there it is. >> no, no. >> because the ear muffs aren't on this this picture. >> looks like someone else is wearing ear muffs and a hat. >> that wasn't the issue i told julie. >> what was the issue? >> the issue, tony, you're a handsome man. see how your hat is there? >> yeah. >> that's a beautiful way to wear that. with my hat -- >> why didn't you tell me that that morning? >> because you were keeping warm, and doggone it, yes. >> the issue was the ear muffs push the hat up? >> yeah. >> see there, hat is good. >> tell me these things. >> i didn't want to, you know. the super bowl is a little more than a week away, and could be the tale of two quarterbacks. >> it will be, won't it?
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always is. it could be the tale of the harbaugh brothers. you know, jim and john -- is it jim and john? >> yes, it is. >> who will mom and dad root for come game day. dave ross and wisdom martin debate those issues in this week's off the wall. >> off the wall, dave ross, wisdom martin. we're getting close to next sunday's super bowl showdown. >> i got the series face. >> ravens and niners. here's a question i have for you, mr. serious face. flacco, the traditional quarterback, and then you got the wildcard running that pistol, kapernick. is the pistol a gimmick or here to stay? >> i'm going to be perfectly clear. the system i like, depends on the quarterback i have.
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if i have a quarterback capable of moving around -- go back to serious -- if i have a quarterback capable of moving around, good speed and can operate the pistol. i run the pistol. >> is the pistol here to stay? >> you taper your scheme to the talent that you have. pistol is here to stay. >> it is here to stay? >> it is. >> you're going to see the pistol all over the league? >> no, that's not what i'm telling you. i'm saying it is something that will be in the nfl for years to come. because the nfl is a copy cat league. >> it is. >> this isn't new. >> go to this and then back to the prototypical -- >> bill walsh on the west coast office, which is basically throwing the ball to the
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runningback. now everybody jumped on board because it's the copy cat league. >> not sure you answered the question. two people you may not have heard of, jack and jackie harbaugh. the parents -- >> we're bringing them up, because their kids are going against each other in the super bowl. >> yeah. >> if you're a parent, who are you rooting for? >> i'm not a parent, but if i was, i don't know. how do you do this? >> i don't know is not an answer. >> it is an answer. >> how do you root for one kid over the other? >> i got three. >> you got three? two of them going against each other in the super bowl, what do you do, wisdom martin? >> i root for both of them. >> you can't. >> yes, you can. >> you have to have a winner and there's going to be a loser. >> here's the thing. you don't determine the winner. they're going against each other. they determine who is going to win, you support both. >> how do you support them both? if you root for one, you're rooting against the other. >> when one has the ball root for that one. >> whenever loses at thanksgiving dinner, they have to sit at the kids' table.
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>> are you kidding me? >> that's what i'd do. >> a child over a football game? >> that's why i'm not a parent. >> that's the funniest thing we've said in the whole time we've done off the wall. >> see you next week for another rousing edition of off the wall. see the serious face. see you next week. >> i'm with wisdom, you root for both. >> i think so. >> caps 0-3, unfortunately. they travel to new jersey tonight to take on the devils. good luck then. we'll be right back. ♪
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snow is on the way. find out when you can expect today's dose in your accuweather forecast featuring tucker barnes. plus, we have all the closings and delays you need to know about. >> brutal attack. this morning d.c. are searching for suspects after a teenager is assaulted near a metro station. we have the very latest. >> summer jobs, school will be out before we know it, and d.c.'s youth employment program is now open for applicants.
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an official from employment services will join us to share what's available for you or your child this season. good morning, i'm tony perkins. >> and i'm alison seymour. this winter weather is leading to a long list of delays and closings this morning. first up, the federal government is open, but workers can take unscheduled leave or telework. >> in virginia, clarke, culpeper, king george, page, spotsylvania, stafford and warren county schools are closed. so are saint mary's schools in maryland. >> the full list is scrolling at the bottom of the screen. it's also on our web site, one minute after 8:00. tucker barnes joins us once again for the accuweather forecast, and what can we expect later today? >> more snow on the way, of course. not going to be a major storm. will be a carbon copy of what we had here yesterday, with maybe an inch falling for most
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of the region here. very cold temperatures continue. that's the real story, the cold. numbers reagan national, 20 degrees. 3in binghamton. ten in boston. 20 in chicago. feels like january around here. will continue to do so later today. >> it is. >> yeah. here's your winter weather advisory. that includes all the close counties, district of columbia, baltimore. the primary concern is we're going to have snow falling during the evening rush hour and there could be travel headaches. for the most part the snow won't be heavy. but it will be falling into a very cold atmosphere, with temperatures at the surface here in the mid-20s. whatever falls will stick quickly, just like yesterday. that's the primary concern. as we all know, it only takes an inch of snow sometimes in washington to cause issues.
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clipper system,s moving fast. not a lot of moisture. maybe one or two areas will squeeze out more than an inch. maybe 2 inches of snow. the big story will be it's all going to stick as the temperature remains cold. 27 today. warming up this weekend with sunshine. we'll talk about next week in a few minutes. >> okay. >> now let's get a check of our traffic with julie wright. >> love how her voice changes like that. all right, guys. still dealing with problems, powder mill road at the bw parkway. follow police direction. parkway open for business this morning, ease coming in out of laurel. no problems on the beltway at the wilson bridge. westbound suit land parkway at alabama avenue, accident activity tying up the left side of the road. 95 not too busy. slow on 395 headed to king
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street. the lanes here are open. across the key bridge, nice and easy out of virginia. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. thank you very much. arctic blast of cold air has lingered over our area for most of the week. as tucker said, it's here for for the weekend. >> lauren demarco is live in virginia this morning with how crews are preparing for possible slick conditions. lauren, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, allison. we are in springfield. and i got to tell you, it's so cold here. in fact, it is too cold for some of the area highway crews to pretreat the roads. maryland state highway saying that they are in fact not pretreating with salt because of concerns that it could freeze, which will lead to bigger problems. they are monitoring roadways, and if they found icy patches they'll treat those individually. once the snow starts this
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afternoon they'll be ready to respond. d.c. says they have 200 plows on the ready. same deal here in virginia, where crews are monitoring the roads. in fact, yesterday we had several accidents along 95 in virginia yesterday morning as snow was coming down around 8:30 a.m. there was an accident that involved a state trooper. actually he was responding to a previous accident, and his cruiser was hit by another car at that accident scene. he was okay. also an accident involving a virginia vdot road crew, also nonlife-threatening injuries there. just very dangerous, and of course can cause traffic. now we're seeing light volume on the roads on 95. did talk with some commuters, spoke with one gentleman who said he was feeling the effects yesterday and will be more careful today. >> it was slow moving. there were a lot of cars we saw off to the side of the road. >> reporter: and that was on 95? >> this was on the side roads we saw people off, off of braddock, side roads people
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were sliding off the roads. even late last night, 10:00, some of the side roads wreckers pulling people out of the ditches and stuff with the ice, yeah. >> reporter: some of that leftover ice could be around, particularly in the neighborhoods this morning. please take your time as you're heading out. and for the afternoon commute, give yourself plenty of extra time, braking distance, fill up your gas tank and have windshield wiper fluid. also that your cell phone is charged in case you do become stuck in traffic. that way you're good to go and make sure you've got an ice scraper. tips for you today. so be safe. that's the latest from springfield. back to you in the studio. >> good info. thank you, lauren. >> remember, you can track the weather where you live, share your snow photos and more with the fox 5 weather app. search for d.c. weather in the app store. in our top stories, another
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thing causing traffic woes today will be the march for life rally. thousands of abortion opponents are ready to march for 30 years of roe vs. wade. this is a live picture at the verizon center, where already many people have gathered, obviously, because it started a half hour ago. this will be followed by a mass at 10:00 a.m., and also a rally at the comcast center in college park beginning at 7:00 a.m. a mass will follow that event at 9:00 a.m. there will be road closures around the national mall today always of this event. vice president and top white house officials are heading to rich monday this -- richmond this morning. they'll be holding a round table on reducing gun violence at virginia commonwealth
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university. also attending are virginia senator tim kaine and congressman bobby scott. just yesterday, senator dianne feinstein -- excuse me -- >> yes. >> -- introduced a bill that would ban over 150 types of assault weapons. >> i think it's feinstein. >> allow these mass killings to be carried out again and again and again in our country. weapons designed originally for the military to kill large numbers of people in close combat are replicated for civilian use. >> again, that's senator dianne feinstein there. senate leader harry reid says he'll bring the bill up for a vote, but will let senators add amendments. tony?
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thank you. new this morning in the district, police are investigating a homicide in northwest. a woman was found shot in the head on 5th and nicholson street before 3:30 this morning. no word on motive or suspects at this time. we continue to bring you updates as we get them in. a 17-year-old is recovering this morning after he was brutally attacked near the rhode island avenue metro station. he says he was jumped and robbed by seven men. his arm and jaw were broken in the attack. police are still searching for the suspects. two arrests in a gang related murder of a prince george's county teen. the killing of 16-year-old marcus jones sparked fights at his high school this week. police have charged a 17-year- old and a 19-year-old with the killing of marcus jones. they are still looking for a third suspect. detectives say the shooting was
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a result of jones confronting members of a rival gang. to the front lines. coming up, chris wallace discusses the pentagon's decision to allow women into combat. find out what else is on the agenda for fox news sunday. >> plus, this could be what your commute home will look like today. what you need to know before heading out. time now, 8:09. we'll be right back.     [ male announcer ] verizon fios is the fastest internet in america.
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making headlines this morning, massachusetts senator john kerry is a step closer to becoming the next secretary of state. he had his confirmation hearing yesterday. he addressed a number of issues, including iran, syria, and climate change. he's expected to easily win confirmation and take over for hillary clinton in the next several weeks. the united states said to be very concerned with north korea's announcement of a
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planned nuclear test, it's what secretary of defense panetta said yesterday. he said the u.s. is fully prepared. you may see mitt romney in town today. the former gop presidential candidate will attend a luncheon in his honor at the jw marriott. he has kept a low profile since election day, only returning to the district briefly for lunch with the president. former aides has said he spent inauguration day in san diego. if i could wish for anything today, it would be hot cocoa with marshmallows on top. maybe i can be warmed up with a picture. >> tucker can help you out. >> time for my first 5 photo of the day. let's see if we deliver, allison. i think we do. >> a three for, including the hat. >> the hat is great.
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i think we're looking at camden on the left there. 6-month-old camden. >> i love it. >> makes since. first experience with the snow. >> yes. >> what a great photograph. >> that really is great. >> he and his big brother, carson, live in mechanicville, maryland. >> i love those names. >> his mom says, though not exactly happy out in the snow, he was a good sport for taking pictures. >> sure is. i would never have guessed that. >> that will change. one of those snows when it's 32 degrees. >> have to get used to it. his older brother is having a good time. >> holding his brother so tightly. great. adorable boys. >> i love the hat. >> handsome. >> thank you to your mom for sending in the picture and thanks to your big brother. to send us your child's picture, go to and
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click on mornings. nice snow there. most of the area between a coating to an inch, maybe an inch plus in some spots. 19 in annapolis. 14 leonardtown. that's the other big story, the cold continues. look at the teens. dulles 15 degrees. 15 hagerstown. highs today, mid-20s. anything that falls, or everything that falls from the sky will definitely get a chance to stick with the cold temperatures. cloud cover, had a little bit of sunshine to start the day. lot of clouds here for your morning hours and this afternoon, the snow showers move in. it's a fast moving clipper. snow will start around here 2:00, 3:00 today, and be out of here by 9:00, 10:00 tonight. not a lot of moisture. we should be able to squeeze out enough moisture that we'll add an inch to our snow from yesterday. maybe an inch, maybe 2 inches for parts of the area here.
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i guess the jackpot scenario would be 3 inches if we get banding. best chance of that to the north in northern maryland. we're looking at snow here at a bad time, as it will be here in time for the evening rush. 27 today. warmup this weekend into the mid-30s. and real warmup next week, 50s by tuesday and wednesday. we're not going to know what season it is. let's do traffic with julie wright. >> tucker, unfortunately just now receiving word that all penn line trains have stopped, suspended from baltimore to d.c. until further notice due to a mechanical problems and the trains are stopped south of the bwi station. dry pavement, what we woke up to this morning. bridges, ramps and overpasses freeze before anything else. tucker has been talking about maybe an inch to 2 inches later this afternoon. remember, the elevated passes freeze and get slick. make sure you have plenty of wiper fluid as well. you'll need that for the drive
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home this evening. no problems around the capital beltway. lanes are open between college park and bethesda. accident at alabama avenue tying up a lane. powder mill road for another crash reported. that's a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. thank you. the pentagon's historic announcement allowing women to serve in combat breaks down gender barriers, and raises questions at the same time. will the move impact combat effectiveness? it's the big topic this weekend. chris wallace joins us with a preview of his show. you're talking about this in an entire morning. good morning. >> good morning to you, allison. interesting story, the idea that the pentagon is lifting the ban. we know women have been on the front lines for years. helicopter pilots, they're fighter jet pilots and they serve in a variety of functions. but they haven't been serve as infantry men, special
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ops and there's a question of if they can because of the physical limitations. as the secretary of defense said yesterday, doesn't mean every woman will get to serve in the front lines, but they should have the right to if they meet the physical standards to do so. we'll be talking with the first combat, female combat pilot in the military, who says it's about time, as well as a retired lieutenant general who says the pentagon is turning the military into a social experiment. i think it will be an interesting discussion and spirited debate. >> was this a surprise move by the pentagon or something that was expected? >> well, a little bit of both, in that women have played a bigger role on the front lines. i think there was a little surprise at this particular moment the pentagon would have announced it wants to lift all barriers and say if you can pass the test, you can meet the standards, then women as well as men can serve on the front
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lines and defend our country. it's important for a variety of reasons, first of all, as a civil rights issue. also on a practical level, particularly in the army. if you want to advance up, battle line service is an important part of that process, and women have wanted access to that. this opens up the potential for about 250,000 jobs for women. >> all right. you'll also be talking about the real work that's now set to begin after the pomp and circumstance of the swearing in. congress and the white house, what are the fights, let me ask it this way, what are the big fights that are ahead as the president starts his second term? >> well, you know, allison, the president certainly laid out an ambitious and i think fair to say liberal agenda for his second term. whether it's spending limits, gun control, immigration reform, energy and climate change, there are a bunch of big issues. and we're going to discuss that
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and the whole agenda for the second term. excuse me. we're going to talk to senator durbin and a rising republican star. >> thank you so much. take care of that cough, it's contagious, you know. >> i didn't do it with my elbow so i have to wash my hands now. >> you can catch fox news sunday at 9:00 after fox 5 morning news. still ahead, d.c. police accused of mishandling sexual assault cases. find out how the d.c. council is responding. >> and two planes clip wings at dulles airport. what we know this morning about that runway mishap. we'll be right back. it's 8:21. 
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welcome back. 8:24. the d.c. council will hold a hearing on a new report accusing the police department of mishandling sexual assault cases. the report alleges that police officers are rude or dismissive to victims. the human rights group says hospital records show the police department failed to open investigations into many reported rapes or sexual assaults. the police chief says the
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allegations are not substantiated by facts. the wing of a united airline plane clipped the wing of another united plane at dulles. it happened when a flight from brussels was pulling in. no one was hurt and united is set to begin investigating. investigators with the ntsb have found two problems with the lithium batteries that caught fire on board boeing's new dreamliner. they say the battery shows signs of short circuits and also found chemical overheating in a reaction that's called thermal runaway. they're still testing the batteries at the ntsb lab in d.c. all of the 787s remain grounded after battery fires forced emergency landings last
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week. more snow is on the way, but it's never too early to snag that summer job. an official will join us to talk about this season's openings and how your teenager can apply. chilly, but flake-free now, as far as snowflakes go. find out when that will change today. the forecast with tucker is coming up. coming up on 8:26.    [ male announcer #1 ] verizon fios
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bone chilling temperatures continue putting parts of the east coast and midwest in the deep freeze. new york city, one of the fountains there, turned into an icy work of art. it is kind of pretty in a weird way. >> i know it well. >> and out of chicago, the buildings encased in ice. >> what about us? >> cold. ponds and rivers and creeks not
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cold enough to play on. south river near annapolis is starting to freeze over. >> you're right -- >> don't venture out on it. >> continued cold today. mid-20s and snow event on the way. not going to be a big storm, but will likely give us enough to at least have to sweep away shoveling late this afternoon and later tonight. that was tony, by the way. >> sorry. >> 3 binghamton. 19 chicago. cold continues in the mid- atlantic and new england. warmup early next week. here's a look at the satellite and radar. another clipper system. another repeat from yesterday. quick moving. not a lot of moisture. but moving into very cold air and will squeeze out every flake it can. we're talking about the potential for anywhere between a dusting to about an inch, maybe a few spots could see up to 2 inches later today. i think the best chance will be
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across northern maryland. quick mover. will arrive by about 2:00, 3:00 today and be out of here by 9:00 or 10:00 tonight. there's your future cast. watch the snow move in. 5:00starting to get the snow showers breaking out. it's out of here as fast as it moves in. 9:00, 10:00 tonight, it's out of here. weather advisory in effect 2:00 until 9:00 tonight and back in the sunshine with slightly warmer temperatures tomorrow. mid-30s saturday and sunday. big warmup next week, tuesday, wednesday and even thursday. temperatures will be on the warm side. cooling off late thursday afternoon back into the 40s. tony, i'm going to toss it over to you. i was just talking with our next guest about the forecast. hope it doesn't mess up today's event. here's something that may warm you up. today is the day that young people in the district can start applying for summer jobs through the district's department of employment services. joining us now to talk about
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the 2013 summer youth employment program and how to sign up, is lisa mallory, director of the d.c. department employment services. good morning. >> good morning. >> thank you for coming in. i know if you know this, our own alison seymour is a graduate of the summer jobs program. >> my goodness. wonderful. that is wonderful. very good to know. >> many years ago. it's a program that works. >> absolutely. >> a program families look forward to every year, because it provides valuable experience. tell us what is happening today, the event i mentioned a moment ago. >> we have midnight madness and we're excited about it, because we open up at 12:15. we open the registration portal. >> this afternoon? >> this afternoon at 12:15. it goes through midnight. if you are able to come to the department of employment services to your community room and you can register. you don't have to come. you can register from any computer. some individuals can use their pda, if you can access the web site through your personal
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device as well. you can go to the library, you can do it at school. you can do it anywhere. just registering for the program. we're really excited about that. >> that's the important thing to stress, particularly with the forecast where we have snow in afternoon and early evening hours. >> right, right. >> any advantages to coming down to register in person? >> you won't get any advantage coming in person versus doing it online. you want to make sure you do it today. the mayor has generously offered again this year to allow any eligible individual that has registered for the program and goes through the process to get a job. we're going to get to a meaningful work experience. we want to make sure that people register today, and we'll bring them back in for certification and training. we expect a crowd, and individuals at libraries registering today. >> you used an important term in there, the applicants who are qualified. >> right. >> tell me how you're eligible. >> you have to be a district
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aren't, and that's very important. and there's some other items you need to present, as far as identification, and you can find that information online. and a lot of individuals that participated last year we expect they'll come back. we have some of their documents. you have to go through a process. there's a mandatory orientation we did last year and it was successful. we'll be doing that as well. >> i have to say, i had the opportunity virtually every year to work with some of these students, at least meet some of them and talk to them and the like, and boy, so many of them are sharp, serious minded about what they're doing. >> they are. >> they seem to take full advantage of the program. >> we hope so. that's what we're trying to do, provide a real work experience. it would be great to have an intern here with allison. little protege there. it's a wonderful experience for them. we want it to be significant work. you have to snow up on time -- show up on time. you have to dress appropriately. it's a real work experience. not just you're spending some
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time. it's not a day care program. it's real work experience. >> you get paid? >> you get paid. so we expect you to work ask we expect you -- and we expect you to kick yourself in a profession -- conduct yourself in a professional matter. >> do you know how many spots? >> roughly the same amount as last year, about 14,000 youth from ages 14 to 21. >> that's what i was going to ask next. >> correct. >> the event today, starts at 12:15. and it's called midnight madness, but i want to make it clear, you don't have to wait until midnight. >> no. >> it goes until midnight. >> correct. >> and the information about all this is here at the web site, www.summer jobs.d.c. gov. we'll link that web site to our web site at for more information. thank you very much for coming in to talk about it. >> thank you for having us. >> and thanks for doing great work with allison. she turned out pretty good.
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>> i would like to share my first paying job was at wrc channel 4. i worked under angela owens and did my first onair thing, i got to do an editorial and all that good stuff. it worked. i'm here. thank you very much for this program. i'm so happy to see it continuing. >> thank you. thank you. wonderful. >> allison? thank you. still ahead, expanding the ranks. the nationals will add a fifth president this season. can't wait to see who that is. >> plus, we are celebrating scottish culture. sarah is live with a preview of the hilton in the highlands festival coming up. stay with us. 8:36now. 20degrees. [ bagpipes playing ] ♪
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new rules for schools when it comes to sports. in a letter to schools across the nation today, the obama administration is now requiring school districts to include students with disabilities in sports programs or provide equal alternative options. for instance, providing a deaf track athlete with a flashing light that goes off at the start of the race at the same time as the starter pistol. caps were hoping to score their first win at home last
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night, but it didn't happen. they played the canadians last night and they're now 0-3 for the first time since the 93-94 season. however, fans are cheering on their team. you may notice this inflightble player that sits on top of a house in georgetown. it's a sign that fans hold out hope for the first win of the season. hopefully it comes soon. what's cooler than that? oh, this. here's a way to warm up, think baseball. nats fest is this saturday, tomorrow, at the washington convention center. and the team is making a big announcement ahead of the new season. they'll name a fifth racing president. we tried to get it out of one of the principal owners today, but he will not budge. it will be revealed at nats fest tomorrow. who do you think should be the
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fifth racing president? tell us on facebook. we are already getting comments this morning. i think it's going to be somebody -- can it be somebody recent? >> it could be. >> i bet it could be ronald reagan. >> that's not a bad choice. >> i think it would be president reagan. >> my thinking is they'll stay in the distant past, because, you know, look too weird to have a more recent. i went to a game where jack kennedy came out and ran around. it was a little weird. >> weird. but it may have been weird for different reasons. >> perhaps. perhaps. >> i'm going to stick with ronald reagan. you make a guess. >> i'm going with fillmore. >> do you think people are know who he is? >> no. he's not in the rank with the others. my apologies to the fillmore family. >> maybe ben franklin. not a president, but you know
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-- >> no. >> no. >> not a president. still ahead, it's brother versus brother at this year's super bowl. coming up, dave ross and wisdom martin look at the rivalry. >> sarah is live celebrating all things scottish this morning. i hope you have scotties there. i love those little dogs. good morning, sarah. >> reporter: no dogs. but we have scotch. will that do, allison? >> yes. >> reporter: we're at the hilton performance art center in manassas. everybody can be scottish for the weekend. we have the bagpipers, and also we have some scotch whiskey, too, poured by a real true scoh. what's your name? >> [inaudible]. >> reporter: see, that's not a fake accent, either. we'll have more about the scottish festival when we return. you're watching fox 5 morning news. stay with us.
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it is time to meet our facebook fan of the day. niko and his fiance, erin, say they watch fox 5 every morning.
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we thank you guys for watching. we congratulate you on your engagement. send us a wedding picture when it happens. for your chance to be monday's fan of the day, get engaged -- no. all you need to do is log onto our facebook page and post a comment beneath niko's picture. >> ain't love great? >> it is. get ready for bagpipes with a splash of scotch whiskey. >> all takes place this week at the hilton center. and fox 5's sarah simmons has more from manassas, virginia. good morning. are you going to try some hagas? >> reporter: maybe. i hear it's a very interesting part of the supper. i might in a little bit. i'm not sure, though. i'm still thinking about it. what we are going to do is hear a little bit of the traditional scottish music from the bagpipes. with us is paul burgess and
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alistar his son here. they're going to get us in the mood right off the bat. ♪ >> reporter: i think i am officially in the mood. we can talk more about the hylton in the highlands scottish festival going on here at the hylton performing arts center. here to talk about it is rick davis, the executive director of the art center. thank you. >> thank you, my pleasure. >> reporter: this is a full weekend event and tomorrow there are activities. tell us what will be happening tomorrow first off. >> hylton in the highlands is an all day festival saturday, starts at 10:00 a.m.
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and goes until 6:00 p.m. it features performances and workshops and stuff for kids to do, scottish games and story tellers and pipers and drummers. at 5:00, sort of the climax of the day, a fiddle performance. >> reporter: i know there are still tickets available for saturday's event. we want to tell people a little bit more about it. the supper, explain to people what that is. >> robert burns is the national poet of scotland, really a hero of the scottish people. today is his 254th birthday. every year around the world there are burns night suppers that commemorate his poetry,
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heritage, including hagas. >> reporter: what is that? >> sheep in a pastry. >> reporter: lovely. we can get tickets through your web site? >> indeed. >> reporter: also ours, explain a little bit, this is kind of a traditional setting i guess you would say. >> the heather and the tartons. the colors of scotland. you go to the highlands and you see that heather covering the field certain times of the year. it's beautiful. our small theater is the setting. pipers will pipe in the hagas. it's fabulous. >> reporter: yes. >> you don't have to be scottish to enjoy it. >> reporter: also don't have to be scottish to enjoy scottish whiskey from a real, true blue
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scott himself. doogie wily. >> yes. >> reporter: tell me about, you're going to do the scotch whiskey tasting at the event. this will be some of the scotch available there, right. >> some of the scotch we're doing tomorrow. two master classes. the art of tasting and history of whiskey. >> reporter: give me an idea what makes a good scotch whiskey? how do you know what you're tasting is spot on, that's the real good stuff? >> you would get a glass and look at the color, and give you an idea sherry cast, bourbon cast. what you do, as you swirl the glass round, and down the glass you'll see the small line. [inaudible] >> reporter: kind of like wine,
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wine has legs. >> yeah. and we sniff. and we sniff again. you get the floral flavors you get in there. >> reporter: i don't usually think floral and whiskey together. but i guess sort of the notes that come out of it. >> the notes that come out through the bottling, it dries the whiskey. >> reporter: can i taste this? die want to -- do i want to taste it? >> you want it taste it. [inaudible] means good health to you. >> reporter: i'm sure, taking a sip of this. that's pretty good. and i'm not someone who drinks scotch whiskey on a regular basis. this will be going on this weekend, dougie, thank you. if you want more information,
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saturday tickets are available. it's sold out sunday, but lots of things for people to enjoy. bring the kids out, too. back to you. >> thank you. i was going to call sarah a lass. is that right? >> i think so, yeah. >> thank you, lass. super bowl is a little more than a week away. it could be the tale of two quarterbacks. >> it will also be the tale of the harbaugh brothers. but who will mom and dad root for? dave and wisdom debate those issues in this week's off the wall. >> off the wall dave ross, wisdom martin. and we're getting close to next sunday's super bowl showdown. >> i got the serious face. >> ravens and the niners. here's a question i have for you, mr. serious face. you've got a contrast of quarterbacks. flacco, the traditional quarterback. and then you've got kapernick,
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the wildcard running that pistol. which system do you like better, and is the pistol here to stay? >> first of all, let me be clear. the system i like, it depends on the quarterback i have. if i have a quarterback that's capable of -- >> smartest thing you've said two years on this show. >> if i have a quarterback caple of moving around, good speed and can operate the pistol, i run the pistol. >> is it here to stay? >> you taper your scheme to the talent that you have. pistol is here to stay. >> it is here to stay? >> it is. >> you're going to see the pistol all over the league? >> no, i'm not -- >> that's going to be a staple? >> i'm saying it is something that will be in the nfl for years to come. because the nfl is a copy cat league. >> yes, they are. do you think they will catch up to this and go back to what's been the pretty typical
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quarterback for years and years. >> been at the west coast offense. and nobody has heard of it. west coast offense is throwing the ball to the runningback. now everybody jumps on board, because it's a copy cat lead. >> not sure you answered the question. two people you might not have heard of are jack and jackie harbaugh. >> the parents. >> yeah, the parents. why are we bringing them up? >> because their kids are going against one other in the super bowl. if you're a parent who do you root for? >> i'm not a parent, but if i was, i don't know. >> i don't know is not an answer. >> yes it is. how do you root for one kid over the other? how many kids do you have? >> three. >> two of them going against each other in the super bowl, what do you do? >> what you do is i root for both. >> you can't. >> yes, you can. yes, you can. >> you have to have a winner and there's going to be a loser. >> as a parent you don't determine the winner. they're going against each other. they determine who will win.
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you support both. >> how do you support both? if you root for one, you're root against the other. >> one has the ball, root for that one. the other has the ball, root for that one. >> whoever loses, thanksgiving dinner, they have to sit at the kids' table. >> are you kidding me right now? >> that's what i'd do. >> over a football game? >> and that's why i'm not a parent. wyou next week for another rousing edition of off the wall. go back to the happy face. see you next week. >> wow, that's a serious face. >> i'm scared. wisdom is always smiling. coming up, we have a recording artist here to talk about ner new single "call me." >> and the beltway steppers will join perry to show off their song. they're here practicing for their closeup. we'll be right back.   wxó
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right now, brace for round two. more snow is heading our way. while it won't be a lot, it may make for a slippery evening commute. lauren demarco is live with how crews are preparing the roads, where they can. plus, an update from tucker. >> no surprise some of us are naughty and others nice when it comes to social media. in today's ask allison i'm taking a look at online etiquette. when you should and shouldn't do and when you should worry. >> you could probably do 30 minutes on that. >> i know. i'm dealing with one question, but it's got to do with all that. >> fans of the ravens and 49ers are battling it out on the web. be nice. you don'


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